We can be quickly contacted using our dedicated email service - please use this method for questions about your order or custom inquiries
Thank You!
FAQ see below for frequently asked questions
How will I know when my order ships?
We send out an email
automatically when your payment is received, and again when your item
ships out - this will also include your tracking information.
What does "Display Size" refer to?
Display size is the
measurement of the artwork when it is on display - this includes all
spaces in between and/or around separate panels. This is the minimum
needed space to display the artwork.
Are bright lights needed to view the artwork?
In general, bright lighting
is ideal. We recommend a track type lighting system to optimize
the display of your artwork, however this is optional and is truly a
matter of preference. Natural daylight through a nearby window also
looks great during the day!
Is the artwork heavy?
One of the reasons aluminum is utilized is because it is so light weight! Larger pieces will only weigh about 8-10 pounds!
What type of surface does the artwork have?
The original metal surface is
grinded, sanded, polished and sometimes even painted as well! Clearcoat
is then applied to seal down the components of the artwork. Hand made
multi-media artwork will have a unique landscape of surface
characteristics when finished! You will be receiving an original one of a
kind work of art, no screen prints or copied prints of any kind!